Seminar on IWRM

تاريخ البداية.
4 مايو, 2016
تاريخ النهاية.
4 مايو, 2016

41st Annual Meeting of Islamic Development Bank Group, Jakarta, Indonesia

The past and current water management practices in the world have caused negative externalities, which have resulted in a rising opportunity cost of water to unsustainable levels. As the competing demand for scarce water resources increases, new sources of water need to be secured, often at a greater cost with greater ecological and social consequences. Efficient and optimum use of scarce water resources, as well as efficient management, remain at the heart of sustainable development and environmental protection. Poor water management practices lead to poor water productivity, depletion of aquifers and pollution of water bodies. Artificially low water prices fail to encourage conservation and efficiency, and allow wasteful practices and inefficient operations to continue.

The concept of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) emerged at the United Nations Water Conference in 1977. The governments started committing to using the IWRM approach by developing IWRM, water efficiency plans and corresponding implementation frameworks. By 2012, more than 80% of the countries had made good progress towards meeting this target and developing plans. However, the implementation of these plans remains a challenge. The question that this seminar is posing is: How best the IWRM  approach can address the water crisis as well as the water management crisis?

The objectives of the seminar are:

  • Understanding, sharing and raising awareness of the IWRM concept and principles vis-à-vis the energy-food-water nexus concept;
  • Sharing the best practices/key success factors in the areas of development and implementation of the IWRM plan;
  • Experience in the water sector and lessons learned to channel investments;
  • Lessons learned for the IWRM plan development and implementation and its potential replication in IsDB member countries.
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