Abiotic Stress-Tolerant Vegetable and Grain Amaranth for Crop and Diet Diversification

Project/Experiment Duration: 2020-2021


  1. Evaluate performance of African core collection of amaranth in UAE environments.
  2. Identify at least two most adapted accessions for grain and leafy type each for each location.
  3. Identify and categorize a set of core germplasm collection with respect to the general vs specific adaptability across different locations.
  4. Introduce and evaluate the core collection of amaranth in the targeted countries (Bhutan, Egypt, Lao PDR, Mozambique, Togo, Tunisia, the UAE and Uzbekistan).

Project/Experiment Details:

Dates of Sowing: 10 November 2020

Experimental Design: Augmented design with checks repeated in each block

Genotypes: 65 test entries + 9 checks

Environments: 3 water salinity levels (control, 6 and 10 dS/m)