ICBA-IAEA collaboration: Generation advancement and characterization of foxtail and proso millet mutant progenies


Small millets are highly self-pollinated crops and artificial hybridization has a very low level of success rate due to factors associated with floral morphology and size. Hence, we chose to exploit artificial mutagenesis in small millet improvement at ICBA. Two promising accessions each in foxtail (ISe 2 & ISe 1269) and proso (PAN 24 & PAN 106) millets have been selected from 2022-23 field trials conducted at ICBA, HQ. These were irradiated with gamma rays to induce mutations at IAEA, Austria, in June 2023. The M1 seeds were planted and M2 seeds from single panicles were harvested during Oct-Nov 2023.


Characterize the M2 mutant progenies based on phenology and agronomic traits, and select uniform progenies and make single plant selections in foxtail millet.

Experiment Details

Spacing: 30x45m