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تنمية القدرات
ما الذي يجعلنا متميزين
استراتيجية إكبا المُحدّثة للفترة 2019 - 2023
Biosaline agriculture as an approach to land restoration
Biosaline Agriculture as an Approach to Land Restoration in the Arab World
Webinar: Empowering Youth-led Innovation for Climate Action and Sustainable Development
Scaling up small-scale irrigation technologies for improving food security in Sub-Saharan Africa
Final report of the RAMSAP project in Ethiopia and South Sudan
Strategies for scaling up recommended technologies in Ethiopia and South Sudan
Field evaluation of salt-tolerant food and fodder crops in Ethiopia and South Sudan
Irrigation and on-farm water management in Ethiopia and South Sudan
Soil and water characterization in the selected sites of South Sudan
Gender differentials in the salt-affected areas of Ethiopia
Extent, characterization and management strategies for the salt-affected soils in Ethiopia
Baseline socio-economic survey in the salt-affected areas of Ethiopia and South Sudan