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Biosaline agriculture as an approach to land restoration
Webinar: Enhancing Millet Value Chain for Sustainable Livelihoods and Climate Resilience
Exploring Proso Millet Resilience to Abiotic Stresses: High-Yield Potential in Desert Environments of the Middle East
Revisiting the Potential of Seed Nutri-Priming to Improve Stress Resilience and Nutritive Value of Cereals in the Context of Current Global Challenges
Response Surface Methodology-Based Optimization of the Chitinolytic Activity of Burkholderia contaminans Strain 614 Exerting Biological Control against Phytopathogenic Fungi
Framework for deep learning diagnosis of plant disorders in horticultural crops: From data collection tools to user-friendly web and mobile apps
Marker-assisted breeding accelerates the development of multiple-stress-tolerant rice genotypes adapted to wider environments
Study on the effectiveness of different control techniques for red palm weevil (Rhynchophorous ferrugineus)
The efficiency of chlorophyll fluorescence as a selection criterion for salinity and climate aridity tolerance in barley genotypes
Effects of nano-molybdenum fertilizers on moinefficient winter wheat grown in acidic soil
Molybdenum inhibited the growth of Phytophthora nicotiana and improved the resistance of Nicotiana tabacum L. against tobacco black shank
Climate changes altered the citrus fruit quality: A 9-year case study in China
Mining genomic regions associated with agronomic and biochemical traits in quinoa through GWAS
Evaluation of date palm fruits quality under different irrigation water salinity levels compared to the fruit available in the market